
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

Open our hearts to your word
and to the power of the spirit.

Give us love to discover your will
and the strength to carry it out

Lord Jesus eternal splendour
On this day which is given to us by the father's love
Do not let us loose sight of you,
But always bring us back to the light of your face
For you live for ever and ever.

Lord you are love itself
Grant that we may love you
Give us this day the fruits of the Holy Spirit

Make us gentle and kind
Lead us to the truth

Be with us Lord as we take up our daily tasks
Help us to recognise you in our work.

Lord Jesus we pray for all who suffer.
Show them your compassion through us.

Help all Christians to answer your call.
May they be a light to the world.  

Author: Aedan Beirne Dec'd